Tips For Selling Junk Cars For Cash

You can definitely earn some dollars from that junk uselessly resting in your garage. Selling junk cars for scrap or parts to a business that pays you a decent amount for auto salvage is a good option for making a little money out of your car. Salvage lots sell the usable parts of your car to potential buyers and the rest are sold to repair or recycle companies and hence you should make sure you get the maximum value out of your junk car:

1. Establish ownership: Make sure you own the car before you sell it to any scrap yards. The evaluator will ask you for the papers and titles of your car. They can only buy your car if you are its legal owner. Stay ready with your paperwork to avoid any hassle.

2. Assess the value: Before selling your car to a scrap yard, you must know the worth of your car to make maximum money out of it. Have a mechanic to inspect your car and give you an estimated value so that you know what price to quote or accept. If possible, make little repairs in your car to make it worthy to be taken on roads. It will increase the value of your vehicle as some junk yards will charge you for picking it up from your location.

3. Get prices: Call different junk yards in the city or suburbs to make sure you know the prices that are being offered for your vehicle. Getting prices from different wreck yards will help you get the best price for your vehicle. Some Wreck yards pay you a very little for your damaged car while others pay a decent amount depending upon the model, make and condition of the car. Make sure you sell your car at the best price. Also, having a list if damages will make the selling of your car smoother and convenient.

4. Deliver your car: After you're done with the information on prices, make sure you deliver your car to the junkyard yourself. This saves them some money and time and hence they pay you more for your car.

5. Lemon laws to abide: There are different laws to abide by in different countries that you must know about before you sell your junk car.

State lemon laws- Make sure you do your research about the state laws as some laws do not allow you to sell salvage titled cars.

Mileage tampering laws
You are not allowed to tamper with the mileage at all according to some laws. The customer should know about every detail of the car and break the rule is punishable under law.

Private seller laws
Laws are different if you are a private seller of the vehicle. If you're considered as a dealer, lemon laws are going to be harsher for you. Selling your car privately is a better and more profitable option for you.
