
Seized Auto Auctions - Hot Tips to Help You at Auto Auctions

Seized auto auctions offer some of the most fantastic car deals you can find around the country. It is not rare for cars to go for as low as $200 and discounts of up to 90% have been given for cars on auction. And it applies to both used and new cars. Since it is so cheap to buy cars there, it is no surprise that most people who go to an auction ends up driving one home. But before you let your excitement cloud your better judgment, let us examine these seized auto auctions carefully. Enter Seized Auto Auctions with Adequate Preparation Adjust your expectations and be realistic. Most of the cars at seized auto auctions are used cars. In fact, a good 90% and beyond are second hand cars. Therefore, be ready to accept that there could be some minor issues with the cars. Depending on the mileage and whether they were caught in any accidents, the problems can be small or huge. Do not scrimp too much if you see a newer car in better shape that costs a couple of hundred dollars more. T...

Tips For Selling Junk Cars For Cash

You can definitely earn some dollars from that junk uselessly resting in your garage. Selling junk cars for scrap or parts to a business that pays you a decent amount for auto salvage is a good option for making a little money out of your car. Salvage lots sell the usable parts of your car to potential buyers and the rest are sold to repair or recycle companies and hence you should make sure you get the maximum value out of your junk car: 1. Establish ownership: Make sure you own the car before you sell it to any scrap yards. The evaluator will ask you for the papers and titles of your car. They can only buy your car if you are its legal owner. Stay ready with your paperwork to avoid any hassle. 2. Assess the value: Before selling your car to a scrap yard, you must know the worth of your car to make maximum money out of it. Have a mechanic to inspect your car and give you an estimated value so that you know what price to quote or accept. If possible, make little repairs in your ...